The Multi Asset Trend Indicator from MyIndicator is a powerful tool for tracking the trend momentum of multiple assets on a single chart. This indicator displays percentage changes for each selected asset based on customizable moving averages, offering a comprehensive view of how each asset’s trend strength compares over time. With Multi Asset Trend, traders can monitor diverse assets, such as commodities, indexes, and ETFs, to assess relative performance and make informed decisions on portfolio allocation, hedging, and trend-following strategies.
The Multi Asset Trend Indicator calculates the trend percentage change for up to ten assets, each with individual labels and trend lines. Each asset is togglable, allowing traders to select only the assets they wish to monitor, keeping the chart clear and focused on relevant data. With adjustable fast and slow lengths, traders can tailor the sensitivity of each asset’s trend analysis to capture long-term or short-term market movements. This tool provides an intuitive way to compare assets side-by-side, making it a versatile choice for traders monitoring cross-asset trends and market relationships.
The Multi Asset Trend Indicator from MyIndicators is ideal for traders and investors looking to analyze the performance and trends of multiple assets side-by-side. Built specifically for ThinkOrSwim, this indicator offers a clear, organized view of asset trends, allowing traders to track various asset classes and make data-informed decisions in dynamic markets.
Download the MultiAssetTrend Indicator today to gain a more focused view of cross-asset trends and better understand market momentum across multiple sectors.
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